Appropriate use of technology can help in mitigating a lot of concerns through digitised education services. With the help of public-private partnership, rural areas can be equipped with multimedia teaching tools, smart classes having the facility to learn through video lectures, smart boards etc. Through interactive digital media tools, schools having one teacher can conduct remote lectures across several locations. This will also help in addressing the shortage of teachers in these schools. .
Use of Technology in Improving Delivery of Education Services through Collaborations.
Government is now encouraging the role of NGOs along with players from the private sector in spreading digital education tools across Indian villages. It is focusing on improving the quality of education in rural areas through technology integration and utilization of the resource capacity of companies. The emphasis is being laid down on migration from blackboards to digital boards, Post cards to IVR,SMS and APP notifications through Edumatic Software. .
Similarly, Many institutions, through collaboration with Edumatic, has not only provided access to digital learning to several students but also trained teachers to use interactive technology. .
Edumatic is ready to help the government-run schools and colleges primarily for children from rural India, are committed to increase access to education through digital learning platforms.