Role of cloud and bigdata in education industry

With the proliferation of IoT (Internet of things) and digital media technologies, a massive amount of data is being generated constantly. Data today is the power that helps unravel unimagined possibilities for progress. It’s a digital world, as they say, is all set to boom analytics market in India. And educational institutes are not too far from an early adaptation of this change. .

Today big data and data analytics are not just buzzwords but a central tool to every business ecosystem. Due to rising competition in the education sector, Indian institutions are rapidly upgrading themselves. They have been positively responsive to leading a data-driven transformation in their working. Several of them are now enabling successful data-based decisions to drive enrolments. .

But as a whole, many institutes in the country do not really understand the importance of Big Data and Analytics. They don’t have much idea about the possible implications of these techniques in their overall growth. .

In this write-up, we will try to understand the potential of big data analytics and how it can bring impactful changes in academic processes. .

How Is Big Data Useful for Academic Institutions?

In general, big data is the ability to process information in ways that provide useful insights for business improvement. The Big Data platforms provide tools, methods, and technologies that are helpful to capture and analyze data to find new linkages and trends. It is a powerful tool to gain Business Intelligence.

In educational institutes, huge volumes of data points are generated around students. These are both in a structured or unstructured format. Also, through social media properties and college websites, a significant repository of information is produced. Utilizing big data can help colleges and universities gain access to valuable insights for optimizing marketing output and improving academic planning and administration. It can help in better profiling of prospective students, discover new marketing opportunities, predict trends, identify applicants’ needs, etc. .

Better Software or business intelligence will enable cost reduction, faster decision making and improve efficiency in operations. Analytics can be useful for educational institutes in a host of ways such as admission marketing, students’ performance assessment, identifying patterns, etc. .

Future of Edumatic.

With big data implementation, Colleges and Universities can measure their performance against the targets set. Analytics can help in ensuring academic rigor, faculty performance, etc. .

With data mining techniques in Edumatic educational institutes can develop smart course materials based on an individual student’s aptitude and capacity. Such analytics can get you answers to understanding a learner’s grasping capacity so that you can develop the next teaching module accordingly. .

Edumatic analytics can help institutions evaluate students’ performance by taking corrective measures indicated by mining data. On the basis of data analytics, you can create a learning system that is need-based, customized and can have predictable outcomes. .

Edumatic can further help in fostering personalized learning. Since data mining tools factor the natural learning ability of an individual, it is therefore personalized to cater to the learning pace of an individual. .

Many of the advancements in online learning can be attributed to advanced data science. Big data is helping online learning programs develop more sophisticated learning platforms with intended outcomes.